Stuff from Entitas

Ironsworn: The Asset Depot

This is a dumping ground for all the random homebrew assets I’ve written. Most of them should be compatible with both Ironsworn and Starforged, but some are very definitely intended for one system or another. I’ll also write some notes about each asset about system intent and general ideas around the card, on the off-chance you feel like using one yourself and want some words from the author.

Not all of these are well-balanced for play! Some I made a genuine effort to be balanced, reasonable assets, while some are more simple gags, but at the end of the day I’m a dingus writing stuff on the internet and not a master game designer.

Please don’t sue me, Shawn:

This work is based on Ironsworn (found at, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (

This work is based on Ironsworn: Starforged (found at, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (

Table of Contents

Affluential Artisan

When you craft luxury goods, roll +supply or +wits (whichever is lower). On a strong hit, take +2 wealth. On a weak hit, choose one: take +1 wealth, or suffer -1 supply to take +2 wealth.

Asset Track: 0 to +5

Notes: This is a mix of several assets from Starforged and Ironsworn for the purpose of making an asset for a merchant-crafter: someone who makes fine things and sells them. I’m not so sure on the math for actually creating luxury goods.

Arcane Resistance

Notes: This is, almost verbatim, the Armored asset from Starforged, but meant for Ironsworn and specifically about resisting magic. The third ability is different, since the magic resistance is considered an innate aspect of your character and not a piece of gear (not to mention no Repair skill in Ironsworn) but that’s really all there is to this.


Asset Track: 0 to +6

Notes: I don’t actually remember making this one. I think this one is inspired by Starforged’s Firebrand but with lightning instead. On the other hand, it’s clearly written for Ironsworn because it talks about harm. The third ability is interesting, and overall this asset looks like it can deal a ridiculous amount of harm.


Notes: When I first posted this on the Ironsworn discord, one of the first remarks was that the name needs work. Feel free to rename it yourself. There are a few Ironsworn and Starforged assets that deal with death, but I wanted something with a bit of a different bent than what the default assets provide: comforting and helping spirits. This is written for Starforged, but a tweak for Ironsworn would be trivial: change the first ability’s reward to 1 experience, and the second ability’s Make a Connection into Forge A Bond.

Devotant Redux

God’s Name:


Notes: This is the Devotant asset from Ironsworn. The only change is in the third ability, which adds two things: using it with Make Camp, and changing it from proselytizing to personal worship. This mostly-reskin is largely a comfort change, when using the third ability to evangelize about your god doesn’t feel right for some reason or another.


When you slay a foe in combat and devour the corpse, roll +iron. On a hit, take +stomach equal to its rank (troublesome = 1, dangerous = 2, etc.). On a weak hit, as above, but the meal is tough to keep down: either take 1 less stomach, or make a suffer move (-2).

Asset Track: 0 to +6

Notes: Hungry, Hungry Ironsworn. Iron doesn’t get enough fun assets. Untested, but potential to be fun once you finally build up a full stomach. Implies you’ll be doing a LOT of fighting, since getting full stomach itself means either 3 Dangerous or 2 Formidable fights. The second ability is potentially strong, since you get to bypass any risk of actually having to roll to recover. On the other hand, you had to fight and make the devour move in the first place.

Doll Maker

Asset Track: 0 to +3

Notes: This is a reskin/reflavoring of the Awakening ritual. Nothing particularly exciting here, I wanted a controllable creation that didn’t have the risk of turning on me. In return, it’s a bit less powerful (but more generally versatile). Mending the doll is probably not mechanically wise but it’s cute. This asset is technically for Ironsworn because Starforged has an explicit Sacrifice Resources move, but there’s nothing really stopping you from using it in that system either.




Asset Track: 0 to +2

Notes: Untested Frog companion. Transformative is meant to encourage you to discard assets to boost new ones. It’s a net loss of experience value (Even if you didn’t advance the discarded asset, you’re “discarding” 3 experience for a perk worth 2 experience), but the thought is that a character using Frog wouldn’t build up a massive collection of 20 asset cards: they’d keep cycling and changing over their life. It probably wouldn’t work out so great in practice.


Asset Track: 0 to +3

Notes: Written as a gag asset, but potentially quite usable. This one follows the Starforged convention for companions, where the first ability is pre-marked (instead of choosing any of the three when you acquire it).



Current Form:

Asset Track: 0 to +4

Notes: Do you like companions and their abilities? Do you have just too many companion cards to manage narratively? Why have 3 birds, a cat, a dog, and a mammoth, when you can have just 1 mimic pet that turns into any of those as appropriate? This pet follows the Starforged convention of having the first ability pre-marked (instead of the Ironsworn convention where you can choose any of the three). Doppelganger might be a better name for this asset, I don’t know. You decide.



Asset Track: 0 to +2

Notes: Oh, hey, I wrote about making this asset in one of my asset writing guides. You could really read that to get more information, but this is a low-health utility guy whose third ability is meant to indirectly help you keep him safe. Burning momentum on Companion Endures Harm doesn’t sting quite as bad when doing so gives you a bit of a refund for it.


When you Make a Connection (extreme or greater) with one who will stop at nothing to defeat you…

Notes: This is a rework of Starforged’s Fugitive asset. Instead of being pursued by a force, you’re engaging in a connection with one particular, personal rival again and again until your conflict reaches its peak. The main challenge with this one is figuring out what mechanically happens if you refuse your rival when the clock fills. With Fugitive, it’s simple: the clock doesn’t reset until you escape your pursuers, who are presumably a constant threat. The best I could do to simulate the urgency is to make the asset count as a debility until you get off your duff and defeat your rival.

Solar Arts

Notes: One of my first attempts at a custom asset, and designed specifically for a character in a solo campaign I played. The character mostly fought with unarmed/simple weapons, and I gave them this asset at a turning point in their story. The asset itself can be a bit of a momentum engine in a fight, especially against groups. In-combat Secure an Advantage and a Turn the Tide move make this mostly Ironsworn-only.